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Best Credit Card Processing Online Internet Payment Gateway Guide For Cheap Credit Card Processing Service Provider Company

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Secure Payment Gateway
By Natasha of

At Braintree Payment Solutions we offer a Best in Class secure payment gateway for all your e-commerce or other electronic transaction needs. Our customizable solutions can be seamlessly integrated into your existing applications and you can trust our security measures to make sure your sensitive data is safe.

A payment gateway is an application that merchants can employ to handle the authorization of payments or any other alternative payment methods. A secure payment gateway will encrypt this data as it is sent between customer, merchant, and financial institution using a process called tokenization. With our secure payment gateway you will also be able to take advantage of features like our fraud and risk management tools, customization and user control, or run multiple accounts through a single interface. You can even accept payments in multiple currencies.

Visa estimates that 50% of cardholders experience a change in their account information every year. Changes occur for a number of reasons including bank mergers, identify theft, expiration date update and balance transfers. Regardless of the reasons, our account updater ensures all updates are seamlessly done behind the scenes.

Why Use A secure payment gateway?

A secure payment gateway makes the process of accepting and processing purchases a simple matter. At Braintree our technology allows for a transparent redirect, which means it will perform all the necessary functions while remaining completely invisible to the customer. This way they can make their purchases without being redirected to other websites to finish the process. This also means that the merchant won’t have to worry about storing sensitive data on internal systems.

We remotely store details on our Level 1 PCI compliant environment. With Braintree’s secure payment gateway you can integrate multiple payment types, from multiple accounts and still easily access vital reports and information. Studies have shown that offering multiple payment options is a great way to improve overall sales, and with Braintree you can add these payment types quickly and easily.

Comprehensive Solutions

At Braintree Payment Solutions we offer a wide range of products and services that can help you be innovative and competitive in your industry and also reach PCI compliance quickly and efficiently. We offer:

Processing / Merchant Accounts
• Echeck, ACH, and EFT
• Integration with PayPal, Google Checkout, and Bill Me Later
• Virtual Terminal
• Payment Gateway
• E-commerce Solutions
• Risk/Fraud Management
• Recurring Billing
Contact Braintree

If you’d like to find out more about developing a secure payment gateway and how it can be incorporated into your business, contact us today.

Payment Gateway Recommended by Natasha, Click Here Now

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A person needs to have a fix job and a stable income to apply for a normal credit card. This is not the case in terms of a student credit card. As the name suggest, student credit cards are mainly for students. The amount charged on this card is always lower than the regular credit cards. You do not to be an employed individual to apply for such credit cards. There are no annual fees charged on these credit cards. People owning such types of credit cards have an access to certain other rewards and benefits given by the financial institutions. The best part of these cards is that, they are accessible online and hence you can manage your accounts online.