A secure payment gateway makes the process of accepting and processing credit card purchases a simple matter. At Braintree our technology allows for a transparent redirect, which means it will perform all the necessary functions while remaining completely invisible to the customer. This way they can make their purchases without being redirected to other websites to finish the process.
Best Credit Card Processing Online Internet Payment Gateway Guide For Cheap Credit Card Processing Service Provider Company
5 Reasons To Choose A Free Merchant Account By CLAIRE of Jobslover.com
Seasons change. Snakes shed their old skins. Businesses come and go. New Products get old in a blink of an eye.
Merchants used to sell in the streets, now they sell on what some call the Internet highway.
However, one thing remains unchanged - for merchants all over the planet - free merchant accounts are not free. Ever.
No matter where you look, there is no such thing as a free merchant account. This shouldn't faze merchants from applying for a free merchant account though.
Discover the 5 reasons why you should choose a free merchant account for your merchant account needs.
1. Affordable Set up
Start up businesses are always striving to save money. Most can't even cough up the money needed to get their own merchant account -
they might even get rejected if they try. A free merchant account is the easy solution to processing payments online at prices you can afford -
in fact, some providers free merchants from set up fees! That's one freebie for you!
2. Open to all businesses
Do you have a business in the area of pharmacy, travel, online gaming, or adult entertainment and wish to do business online? Because of the nature of your business -
classified as high risk due to the higher risk of fraud - applying for your own merchant account will be next to impossible unless you apply for a free merchant account.
A free merchant account sets more relaxed rules for businesses, and some in fact specialize in high risk businesses. Paper work is minimal with free merchant accounts - not free but definitely easy.
3. 24 hours
Ever heard of businesses applying for a merchant account at 9 in the morning and selling before the day has ended? No, that's not a rumor. It's true for free merchant account.
Due to less paperwork and more lenient rules, approvals are done in less than 24 hours.
4. International market
Selling to the international market has both its pros and cons. However, one cannot discount the fact that it improves cashflow, and with millions of shoppers out there, one can easily ignore the cons.
If you've ever wanted to sell to Australia? UK? Or any country in the planet no matter how large or a small a dot in the world, a free merchant account affords you the ability to sell securely to a bigger market.
Beats building a store in the middle of nowhere.
5.Monthly fees = Zero
Yes. You're reading it right. To attract more merchants to sign up with them, a lot of free merchant account providers slash their rates and the first that falls are the monthly fees.
There are still a lot of reasons why one should consider a free merchant account. From the reliable service(given that the provider is a legitimate one), the freebies involved and the affordable rates.
The facts remain:free merchant account are easy to acquire and easy to set up.
Whether you're making a killing in your business or earning as small as $10 a week, cashing in
on the ecommerce onslaught is pretty fuss-free when you have a free merchant account.
Here are some best free merchant account articles for Credit Card Processing Terminal Services to start with...
Online Merchant Accounts By Natasha of Cashvally.com There is a direct correlation between merchant accounts and processing gateways. Both are Internet services that enable online processing of credit cards. Online merchant accounts can Read more...
Understand Credit Card Companies By Natasha of Adsenselover.com As a financial consultant, I am amazed at what a small amount of understanding most of my clients have of credit card companies and how they work. I find that many financial Read more...
Most Recommended By Users Like You:
Cheap merchant accounts are a great boon for all small and home based business owners, and also for first time online merchants. With cheap merchant accounts, you have to either pay a fee of fixed rate when your site sells items or a monthly payment based on your business volume. The transaction fees of these accounts are usually higher than normal accounts, often 6% to 15% of the transacted amount.
What is an Internet Merchant Account? By Natasha of Jobslover.com If you run a website for your online business and make sales online, you are going to need an Internet merchant account to process credit card transactions. An Internet Read more...
Overall, Total Merchant Services is a good credit card processing service with everything you need to get started. With Total Merchant Services, getting approved is no problem. They have an excellent approval rating for new merchant accounts. Total Merchant Services has among the lowest monthly costs, including a $10.00 statement fee and an $25.00 monthly minimum. The 2.25% discount rate has a $0.20 transaction fee. Charge back fees are affordable too, at $15.00 each.
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